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Re: TR4 engine rebuild

Subject: Re: TR4 engine rebuild
From: Brian Sanborn <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 17:34:36 GMT

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 11:16:53 EDT wrote:
> I'm the guy what started the 4vs6 string a month ago. I'm looking to do a
> engine rebuild this winter - and who knows what else - and want to start
> with the 87mm pistons. British Parts NW is offering a kit in the VTR
> magazine for $410 versus the $590 or so in Moss, TRF etc. Man on the phone
> at BPNW says piston heads are german (Mass?) and the rest is English, with
> three rings, and more advanced than the Hepolites recommended years ago inn
> the TR4 Comp Prep manual. Does anyone have experience with these? I've not
> bought before from BPNW, but I read that many listers use them regularly.
> Thanks in advance. I'm sure I'll be back with much more before this is
> done.
> John

First of all... you will find that Moss and TRF don't necessaryly have stock 
for the 87mm parts.

I used the BPNW 87mm piston liner set in my TR4 engine rebuild last winter.  I 
have 1,100+ miles on the car now and the engine strong and smooth.  I think the 
german pistom mfg compant Mauhle.  

The pistons look different than AEs I took out... that were 15+ years old....  
but were better according to my racing engine building machine shop owner.

It up to you.  In my case BPNW had the only 87mm solution and they worked out 

Brian Sanborn
62 TR4 CT16260L - Groton, MA

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