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Re: Name that goo.

To: "'triumphs'" <>
Subject: Re: Name that goo.
From: "frank" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 15:21:26 +0930charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
Thanks to all who supplied speculation about the origin of the pink goo. A
summary of responses is listed below...

Michael D. Porter wrote:

> Quite possible that there is a lighter additive in the oil you are using
> which is getting whipped up with air and some of the condensation in the
> crankcase to produce an emulsion.
> If it seems a little frothy, that's likely what it is. If Australia is
> still using predominantly leaded gas, it may also be unburned tetraethyl
> lead, which has a sort of rusty red color, and if mixed with free lead
> deposits in the crankcase, might turn a pinkish color, since free lead
> is a lighter grey to whitish metal.
> Cheers.

Australia does indeed use leaded petrol (at least the TR6 does) - I
suspect we may catch up to the rest of the world after someone comes
up with a tried and true substitute (ie about 20 years after everyone
else has got rid of it). Interesting theory, and may be the most
plausible since my valve guides are shot and the comments below.

Malcolm Walker wrote:

> What color is your coolant?  I know that some stuff has a reddish tinge.
> It's probably something that is floating around your crankcase in a vapor
> form that condensed onto the filler cap.  Oil, gas additives perhaps?
> Detergents?

and, Joe Curry wrote:

> It was most likely emulsified water/oil.  Check the condition of your
> oil after a hard drive and see if there is evidence of water in there.
> Also check the coolant level to see if there is any loss.  If all is in
> order, the stuff may just be the result of condensation inside the
> crankcase and is nothing to worry about.

Unfortunately my coolant is green, so I don't think it's a combination of
coolant and oil, but it could
be oil and condensation. However, pink doesn't seem a likely colour for a
mixture of this sort. Since
it doesn't seem to be contaminating the sump oil, I guess it isn't anything
to worry about, but correct
me if I'm wrong...


Frank Biedermann
69 TR6 PI

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