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VTR '99

To: "Triumphs List" <>
Subject: VTR '99
From: "maineac" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 00:27:26 -0400
OK -- Even though we still have a day and a half before the VTR officially
opens, there's already activity to report.  Spotted 3 TR's in front of the
Holiday Inn this morning (a TR3, TR250 and TR4), and then another TR3 in
the hotel parking lot that we're using for trailer parking.  My heart
begins to pump a little faster!  The trailered TR3 is heading off for a
couple of days of the Maine coastal experience (reported spotted tonight in

My son and I spent the afternoon checking the TSD Rally route for the last
time.  Good news!  the State O' Maine has left all of the roads and signs
just as they were when we did our rehersal run back in May.  Bad news! 
Email from Jeff Creel (the ralymaster for the TSD), there's been a death in
the family and he has to leave for Kansas in 36 hours.  I'm afraid the
rallyists will just have to put up with me as the substitute rallymaster. 
I'm not nearly as intimidating as Jeff, so the end point may be a little
livelier than I would have liked it, but we'll see on Thursday!

Off to bed now, have to get up early to finish collecting the loot for the
registration bags, and to post "No Parking" notices to warn the civilian
populace of Portland that the Triumphs are coming and will have the street
in front of the hotel blocked off for their parking enjoyment.  The sun
rises first on Maine, so I'll end for now...

More later...  

Tom Walling

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