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Re: VTR '99

Subject: Re: VTR '99
From: Kenneth Streeter <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 07:35:20 -0400
Cc: Nancy Streeter <njs@alum.MIT.EDU>
Tom Walling ( writes:

> OK -- Even though we still have a day and a half before the
> VTR officially opens, there's already activity to report.
> Spotted 3 TR's in front of the Holiday Inn this morning ...
> ... have to get up early ... to post "No Parking" notices
> to warn the civilian populace of Portland that the Triumphs
> are coming!

And are they ever!  We have very nearly 300 cars registered
(297) and could easily end up with this year's convention
being the largest in the 25-year history of VTR!  If you're
still on the fence about whether or not to come to the
convention, now is the time to get off the fence, and hop
in the TR to come join us.  Have you ever seen 300 Triumphs
in one field before?  If you don't attend this year's
convention, you may not have another chance!  Talk about a
field of dreams!  

It's almost hard to appreciate just how many cars will be
there, until one sees 300 registration packets, and just
how thick a binder is with 300 pages of registrant
listings itemizing the events everybody would like to
enjoy.  Imagine having 300 other Triumph enthusiasts to
talk to.  People from whom to get advice about your car,
or to whom you could tell long stories of you and your
Triumph all day without running out of people wanting to
listen!?!  (Just try *that* at work!)

And, if the Triumphs aren't enough to entice you to attend,
how about being able to travel in the Triumph to LLBean for
shopping?  You can even buy as much as you want (can
afford?) because you don't have to pack it in the car
again -- LLBean will ship for free anything bought at
their store during the VTR convention, so that you don't 
have to try to squeeze that canoe on top of the Spitfire.

So, whether you want to try to enter all the events and
win the Carolina's Cup, or just want to be able to meet
a great bunch of Triumph enthusiasts, get off the
computer *NOW*, and pack your stuff to go! 

Speaking of which, that's what I need to do...

VTR 99 Registrar --

PS: If you haven't pre-registered, don't worry -- you can
sign-up on site when you arrive.  But, don't forget to
reserve a room at the hotel before you set out!

Kenneth Streeter         | EMAIL:
24 Grey Rock Road        | Phone: 603-471-0650
Bedford, NH 03110        |

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