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And we're off....

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: And we're off....
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 00:03:32 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
Importance: Normal
Well, everything is loaded....

It's midnight.

We leave at dawn, er, 7am, or whichever comes later.  8-)

We're gonna do a marathon drive, shooting for family just outside Boston.
'Bout 14 hours, thru Canada even.  If we don't make it that far, then we'll
be hotel hunting somewhere in NY.  I hear Rome, NY is a hot place to spend
the night <GRIN>

See everyone in Portland Wednesday afternoon!

Phil Pattengale
56 TR3  - TS11820-L (Dad's Car - Going to VTR!)
54 TR2  - TS1440-LO {project #1 - Maybe Next Year}
56 TR3  - TS13872-L  {project #2 - Um, maybe my kid will finish this one}

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  • And we're off...., philpatt <=