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Re: Can you I.D. my GT6 seatbelts (or what remains)

Subject: Re: Can you I.D. my GT6 seatbelts (or what remains)
From: "R. John Lye" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 07:20:09 -0400
Hi Ken,
      You asked:

>I have only the shoulder piece left that comes from the rear
>wheel well. I've been trying to get the lap pieces, but some
>folks have said my rear belt should be on a retractor. 

Not in 1970, they weren't.  The lap belts were on a retractor, but
the shoulder belts were not.

>it ain't. It's a fixed belt, adjustable for length, with a
>chrome fitting on the end (where it winds up in your lap) that
>looks like an elongated "O"...there's a slot in it for something
>(another belt i assume) to slip through.

The lap belt buckle slips through the "elongated O" so as to assemble
the three piece lap/shoulder combo belt.

>The belt has a label that reads "American Safety Triumph FO371
>Model #440182.
>So, was this an original 1970 GT6 belt, or out of another Triumph?

It sure sounds like the right belt - I'm at my desk, and my car is
across campus right now, so I can't check the numbers, but your
description sounds right.

>Is it correct that there's no retractor on this belt?

That is correct for the shoulder belt; at least that's how mine is,
and my car was extremely correct when I got it (I am the second 


John Lye

'59 TR-3A, '62 TR-4, '70 GT-6+

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