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Re: Triumphs vs. MGs...whatsa scoop?

Subject: Re: Triumphs vs. MGs...whatsa scoop?
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 15:53:44 EDT
In a message dated 99-07-24 09:21:10 EDT, writes:

<< I know this is a Triumph group, but let go the bias, and tell
 me what both sides think.
Okay, here goes - Triumphs are easier to restore, faster, more fun to drive, 
and far more interesting that MGs. Triumph owners, such as yourself, are 
usually friendly, intelligent, fun-loving, helpful people whereas MG owners 
are usually ...well.... the opposite - you'll see them at shows sitting behind
their cars frowning with arms folded - while the Triumph owners laugh and
talk together at their club tent. I'd rather push, or load and carry, any of 
my 3 
Triumphs than drive an MG.
(for the MG owners prespective, invert the marque names in the above 
Sorry, but that may be my best attempt at letting go bias.
Seriously though, I don't think either marque has greater immunity from 
electrical problems or rust. But having a seperate frame and body does make 
a lot of things a lot easier and gemerally lowers the skill level needed to 
complete a total restoration. But there is a far greater variety of cars 
within the 
Triumph marque ....opps  there's that bias again - better stop.
Jack Mc

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