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Re: TR4 dash cubby

Subject: Re: TR4 dash cubby
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 15:11:02 EDT
In a message dated 20-Jul-99 13:52:54 Eastern Daylight Time, CarlSereda 

> hmmm ..I am sure I have Mohogany! (looks like deep rust color not yellow/
> gold tone. This dash was salvaged out of a TR4-A if I can remember the 
> right from 25 years ago. Maybe they used walnut on earlier cars or it 
> was another Triumph option in woods.

Carl, No choice of wood type for '64 TR4's.  It was a plywood dash with a 
walnut veneer and a high gloss finish.  There is a question in my resources 
as to exactly when the wood dash became standard equipment.  I was very 
surprised when I picked up my car in London because I had never seen a TR4 
with a wood dash.  But it had been installed in the car and the worker told 
me that it was "now standard equipment."  That was 11 June '64.  The car had 
come off the line on 14 May and had been sitting in Triumph's storage area 
waiting for me to pick it up. Ah - Memories.  :-).

Check out Piggott's Original  Triumph TR  p.92 bottom photo (or his other 
book Original Triumph TR4/4A/5/6 p.48) for pictures.  The former shows an 
original or restored dash and the latter shows a cracked/unrestored finish.  
There was some discussion on this a few years ago and the consensus was that 
the veneer was European walnut which is slightly different in color than what 
we Yanks are used to.  Also the protective finish used for the TR4/4A 
contributed to the color because it was high gloss.  The later models looked 
lighter because they had a matte finish.  Also see my article on dash 
refinishing at in the maintenance section.  .

> Moss now offers Teak or Mohogany dashes 
>  Teak is very similar color to mohogany but a lot cheaper I think.

I don't like them myself.  But to each his own!

>  So was that bittersweet chocolate or milk chocolate in the vents?    :-)

Vent edge color is lighter than bittersweet chocolate - sort of a Hershey's 
color but one shade lighter.  You can see it in the pictures that I 
referenced above.  Later cars had different shaped vent openings so different 
configuration.  Hope this helps.  Cheers.


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