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Re: TR4 dash cubby

Subject: Re: TR4 dash cubby
From: Brian Johnson <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 21:36:56 +0100
Organization: Home
References: <>
Good grief that's a good  question Carl   -  I have just shut up the
garages for the night (its 10:45 pm here) so I can't go and have a look
at the present colour - I think it is black.  I definitely had a wooden
dash on my TR4 that was original.      I may still have the original
cubby box but it will be deep in the garage if you  know what I
mean....even so I think that one is also black.  (I keep a small torch
in mine - I
never know when it may be needed!!)

Brian wrote:
> Fellow TR4ers
> My dash and cubby box was white when I bought the '64 car but when I put in
> the optional mohogany wood dash around 1976 I painted the cubby box black.
> Results ?
> Looked good but now it's too dark in there now to find anything!
> Question to you for my curren restoration?
> ...if your car came with the factory optional wood dash what color was inside
> your cubby box?
> Regards
> Carl
> '64 TR4 since '74

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