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To: Tom Walling & Wendy Rose <>
Subject: RE: VTR
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 23:27:19 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: Scions of the Spitfire <>, Scions of Stanpart <>
On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, Tom Walling & Wendy Rose wrote:

<< We have made arrangements with the city of Portland to block off the
street in front of the Holiday Inn (Spring Street) for 2 blocks for
nose-in, angled parking of Triumphs only -- (take yer stinkin' trailers
and F*rd Expl*rers and hide 'em please!)....>>

Hey, I resemble that remark; in fact, eerily so. And I've no choice with 
a car that hasn't been street-legal since, say, about 1967....


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register <>    *
*                     *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
...and a trailer...AND a Ford Explorer

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