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RE: Speeding tickets

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Speeding tickets
From: "Andy Dixon" <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 17:10:07 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
Importance: Normal
Went to court the other day because I was charged with doing 67 in a 55.
I know the cops sit where he was and checked my speedo before I came around
the corner, 58 at the most with a truck passing me on the right.
Plead not guilty.
Trooper gave his side - He was along side the truck and I couldn't get him
on radar but I could hear the audio and knew he was going faster.
Judge - He passed the truck?
Trooper - No
Judge - So, he never passed the truck and you couldn't get him on radar.
Trooper - Oh, no, I got him on radar.
My turn, gave my story, told him that when the truck saw the trooper and put
on his brakes I was in fact going faster than the truck but only 57 or 58
MPH. Gave the Judge a short synopsis on the operation of radar (fixed
military ones for years) and big signals from trucks versus tiny signals
from sports cars and that he might have clocked the truck before he put his
brakes on and that's where the 67 came from.
Judge - Do you have any paperwork to say your speedometer was incorrect?
Me - No your honor, it's correct, that's why I know I was traveling no more
than 58.
Judge - I've heard sufficient evidence to find you guilty.

Tell me about the higher standards!!!


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, June 25, 1999 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: Speeding tickets


A Michigan sheriff passed me last evening doing in excess of 70mph in a 55
zone showing no emergency lights and no siren. This has happened a number of
times in the much for higher standards!!!!

Greg Wolf
1970 GT6+
Bridgewater, Michigan

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