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Re: Speeding tickets

Subject: Re: Speeding tickets
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 18:53:54 EDT
Not surprised. I'm sure there are police out there who are concerned about 
safe driving, etc. However, you cannot deny the fact that revenue from 
tickets is a large factor in community budgets.....they sure ain't donating 
it to their favorite charity. The laws and speed limits were set long before 
cars had the handling and stopping capability of the newer cars.....or for 
that matter sports cars. Nothing has changed in the 30 years I've been 
driving except the maniacs in SUV's who cut you off without a thought. The 
police sitting by the side of the road trying to bag a speeder should be 
cruising and looking for drivers with bad and aggressive driving habits. That 
is much more dangerous than speeding. 

For example, I came up on a woman driving an Expedition the other day. She 
was in the passing lane doing 50mph. The speed limit was 70mph. There was no 
other traffic in either lane (behind or ahead) but I patiently waited to see 
if she would relinquish the passing lane. She didn't so I moved into the slow 
lane to get around her. As I pulled even with her I looked over to see what 
she was doing. She was putting drops in her eyes! Welllll, at least she had 
slowed down to do it!!

Greg Wolf
1970 GT6+ "Ian"
Bridgewater, Michigan

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