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Greetings from list newbie

Subject: Greetings from list newbie
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 08:50:31 -0600

>Brought home from Ohio to NW Indiana a 1958 TR3A I bought. This is the
>first Triumph I've owned since 1970. And since I drove it home in
>freezing rain and snow 300 miles with the heater only keeping my feet
>warm I was reminded that Triumphs are not at their best in snow storms.
>Hurry up spring.

Tom, you sound like one of us already since since only a triumps@autox person
would be  brave (crazy?) enough to drive an "new" Triumph 300 miles in a snow
storm.  I remember driving from Rhode Island to Rochester, N. Y. in the winter
(the things we do when we're dating!) in my 57 TR3 with some poor excuse for a
top.  I liked driving in the snow because it would seal the cracks and actually
get the car warm enough so that only my upper body froze :^).  I'm sure by now
you've received information on testing your speedometer using your tachometer, a
drill and flex coupling.  If not, let me know and I'll send the info.  Welcome
aboard, hope you enjoy the group as much as I do!

Richard Triplett
62 TR3A
78 Spit 1500
85 XJ6
90 LS400

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