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Re: TR6: Engine Pulling

To: "scott s." <>
Subject: Re: TR6: Engine Pulling
From: Jeff Nathanson <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:50:10 -0700 (MST)

        I tried the same thing last month. My justification was that I
didn't want to remove
        the engine hood. But, after I borrowed the engine hoist, it seemed
evident that the
        hood had to be removed anyway. Also, it was a real hassle to get at
all the bolts
        from under the car. Anyway, I couldn't see how to remove the engine
without disengaging
        the engine from the main tranny shaft. It would bend otherwise since
there seems to be
        no clearance to move the engine straight forward. So, my advice is
to remove the engine
        with the tranny. I intend to replace mine this way.

        Also, I would highly recommend to remove the head before removing
the rest of the engine.
        If the head is stuck, which it was in 2 cases out of 2 for me,
you'll need to use the rope
        trick. Even worse, you might need to remove the studs which requires
the engine to be well
        bolted in place due the torque needed to get some of those stuck studs.

        Hope this helps,
        Jeff Nathanson '72 TR6

At 06:09 PM 2/11/99 -1000, you wrote:
>I see a need to pull my TR6 engine in the future.  Last time
>I pulled it with the tranny.  I'd rather leave the tranny / 
>interior in place this time.  Is this possible?  Can you get to
>all the bolts without removing the trans cover?
>Scott S.

Jeff C. Nathanson
Director of Product Development
Manufacturing Systems & Technologies, Inc.


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