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Re: TR3A firewall body number poll

Subject: Re: TR3A firewall body number poll
From: George Richardson <>
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 11:39:41 -0500
Organization: Merlin Group Inc.
References: <>
I'm also missing the EB number for my car, but on my parts car TS30702L, the
number was EB30729. That would indicate that only 27 more bodies than cars had
been made by that point.

If I worked backwards, that would make TS15559L about EB15572.

How do you plan to duplicate the plate? wrote:

> Dear Listers,
> On the fire wall of every TR3 are two brass tags one is a 6 or 7 digit
> bodyshell number, the other is a plate that starts with the letters "EB" and
> is followed by numbers that are close but probably higher than the actual
> commission number.  According to Bill Piggott's book on triumphs there are no
> records of this number or of it's purpose.
> My problem is that the "EB" number on my car is missing.  The fact that the
> number is close to, but slightly higher than the commission number may help me
> in determining the number on my car.  The request that I make to the list is
> to forward me your COMMISSION number and "EB" number preferably those close to
> my commission number TS 58399.  Armed with this information I should be able
> to interpolate the exact or close to the exact number for my car.
> Also, if enough of you think it worthwhile, I will compile the list of names
> and numbers for the list.  If you don't want your numbers or name shared
> please say so.
> Thanks in advance,
> Gary Bouffard
> 59 TR3A   TS58399

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