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Re: TR6 Clutch Replacement

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: TR6 Clutch Replacement
From: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 18:18:19 -0800
Martin Gonzales wrote:

>After removing the transmission without assistance and installing the the
>new clutch, I then attempted to reinstall the transmission by myself.  And
>much to mine pleasure, I found that I could do it myself by using two 4 inch
>5/16 inch bolts, with the heads cutoff, as dowels to guide the transmission
>into the flywheel.  I placed the two bolts on the top end of the bell
>housing mount on the engine side.  And after quite a bit of jiggling and
>using a jack with a small piece of 2" X 4" mounted on top under the
>transmission, I was able to reinstall the transmission.
>To tighten the top 9 or 12 bolts and nuts that attach the transmission to
>the engine,  I attached, with duct tape, a wrench on the engine side to hold
>the bolt inplace while I tightened the nuts.

I recently changed my clutch, and did manage to UNBOLT everything necessary
with no assistance from anyone else.  However, I DID have to rely on a
neighbor across the street to help me pull and lift out the gearbox, and
then to replace the gearbox after everything else was done.  Luckily I only
had to ask him to waste maybe 10 minutes of his time TOTAL.

I have begun designing a simple cradle device, perhaps made from wood, that
would support the gearbox FIRMLY on a typical floorjack and enable a person
to remove/replace the gearbox with no assistance.  It bolts onto the
gearbox so that it is held positively, and then the jack could be simply
pushed rearward, pulling the gearbox with it.  I think this would be
slick... has anyone else tried anything like that?

>I have relayed the above story, for others, who like me,  are mechanically

I'm not so much MECHANICALLY challenged as I am apparently MUSCULARLY
challenged.  I doubt that I could do all that work (removing and replacing
the gearbox) by myself without hurting myself.  The gearbox just seems too
damned heavy and awkward for me to maneuver alone.

Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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