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Re: MGB-GT, is it worth it?

To: HolePuncher <>, "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: MGB-GT, is it worth it?
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 21:38:22 -0500
Organization: BRIT Inc.
References: <>
HolePuncher wrote:
> I have an opportunity to pick up a '70 MGB-GT for US$500.  Body is
> excellent, interior needs help, I can fix the mechanicals.  I'm a Triumph
> kind of guy so MGs are a mystery to me.  I know, I know... I'd rather push
> a Triumph than drive an MG..., but they appeal to somebody, otherwise there
> wouldn't be so many of them out there.

  B-GTs are really nice cars. The back seats are not
really useful for full adults but are ok for tiny trips
or tiny people.

> So is it a worthwhile project or will I put US$2000 into the beast only to
> have it worth US$1500 when I'm done?

  Caveat there, they aren't worth that much. When you
are buying, it's quite a bargain. Actually, this kind
of works for MGs in general, there are so many out there
that the laws of supply and demand means you get a sweet
ride for the money.

  However, most people's definition of "sweet ride" means
convertible, so GT values rather suffer. Especially hard
to sell are the nice but not concours ones. There will
always be a buyer for perfect cars, and cheap driveable
cars, but the middle ground kind of suffers.

  I would say buy it. You can probably make it something you'll
be very happy with for $1000 total or so. Just watch if
you take a liking to it and start sinking more money
into it, it's money you might not get back.

  As with Triumphs, if it has an overdrive, BUY BUY BUY.

Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933

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