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Re: Looking for the "Classic & Sports Cars" magazine

Subject: Re: Looking for the "Classic & Sports Cars" magazine
From: (Philip E Bacon)
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 21:19:33 +0000
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
Larry --It sure looks strange not to see  '76 TR 6' listed under your
name.  re 'Classic & Sportscars -- I found my copy at Barnes & Noble --
Boarders didn't have it .   I think most folks will just have to call
around to the big book retailers to find it.  Which magazines to carry 
may be the local managers option.  The special coverage on Triumph is
great.  Good luck listers.  

Phil Bacon
72 TR-6On Thu, 5 Nov 1998 14:03:03 -0500 (Lawrence  G
Miceli) writes:
> I found several copys at "Boarders Bookstore"
>Larry Miceli
>'73 Stag
>'66 Herald
>On Wed, 4 Nov 1998 09:13:44 -0700 econrad <> 
>>I've been searching for the magazine that was said to hold a tribute 
>>to Triumph on its 30 year anniversary.  The name I was told is:  
>>"Classic & Sports Cars".  I cannot find it any where.  The internet 
>>has no clues, and Barnes & Noble (probably the best magazine rack 
>>me) has no idea as to this magazine.
>>I've also searched for variations on this title -- to no avail.
>>Could anyone on the list point me toward how to locate it?  Based on 
>>the dates of the emails, I assume the Triumph issue was in either the 
>>October or November issue.
>>Eric Conrad
>>Denver, CO
>Larry Miceli
>'73 Stag
>'66 Herald

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