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Re: TR4 oil pressure

Subject: Re: TR4 oil pressure
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 16:02:41 EST
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 98-11-05 14:56:43 EST, you write:

> It's a relief valve... limiting how high the pressure can go...   I've read
>  enough on the subject to come to the conclusion that I did the right thing 
> by
>  making the adjustment.... I should have done it long ago.
>  I'd certainly welcome comments.
>  Interesting information on the relief spring loosing it's temper...
>  replacing the 30 year springs wouldn't be a bad idea. 

Justin, as I did, check whether you have a Purolator or Telcomite filter
housing.  Buy a new spring ( and the tiny ball, as long as you are in there)
from TRF or one of the others.  Replace it -1/2 hour job - then set it up
according to the manual.  I.e. - With the engine at operating temp. gradually
rev to 2000rpm.  The pressure should steadily rise to 75psi..  At 2000rpm the
pressure should drop to 70.   If that does not happen then loosen the nut and
adjust the screw CW to increase the opening pressure and CCW to decrease it.
"Piece of cake" and it will then work properly.  Cheers.

Art Kelly

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