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Re: Deposit on car - non lbc

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Deposit on car - non lbc
From: "\"Mr. Mike\" Passaretti" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 13:10:29 -0600
References: <>

>>>>> "Shane" == Shane F Ingate <> writes:

    Shane> Now if you had taken the deposit, and then sold the car to
    Shane> someone who came in with a higher bid without first
    Shane> discussing a deadline for receipt of the balance from the
    Shane> original buyer, then I guess we'd have to arrange a lynching
    Shane> party for you ;)

This is why deposits are (IMHO) necessary.  I've had several cars sold
out from underneath verbal commitments because the other buyer was
closer, willing to take delivery immediately, etc.  It's very annoying.
In one case I had actually arranged financing (and the seller wouldn't
hear of a deposit, we were gentlemen) and he sold it the day before I
was to come out with the check because some fellow drove up and wrote
him a check on the spot.  If I were a more litigious person I would have
nailed his nether regions to a pole.  As it is, I just chocked it up
to experience and ate the penalties at the bank.

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