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Re: Deposit on car - non lbc

Subject: Re: Deposit on car - non lbc
From: fred thomas <>
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 11:08:40 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <> wrote:
>      I took a deposit of $400 4 weeks ago from a buyer. He told me he would
>      be back with the balance of $3000 in 2 weeks. In writing, I gave him 3
>      weeks to come back. 5 days before the 3 weeks was up he called to ask
>      if he could come test drive it and he was going to bring another $2500
>      leaving a $500 balance due; oh, he asked if he could have the title at
>      that time also. (luckily, I declined to give it to him). That night he
>      called an hour after he was supposed to be there and said he couldn't
>      come for 2 more days. No problem, see ya in 2 days. 2 days later, 1
>      1/2 hours after he was supposed to be at my house he called with "bad
>      new". Yeah, you guessed it, he "couldn't" buy my car. It wasn't in his
>      budget. I was a bit upset but didn't let him know. I told him I would
>      call him back when I figured out what I was going to do. At the end of
>      the conversation he said "If you have a hard time selling it, I will
>      buy it" ??????
>      While I waited 3 weeks for him to pay the balance of my price, I
>      turned away 3 potential buyers and removed it from the local auto
>      advertiser.
>      What's the general consensus on how I should handle this situation?
>      I've got my own idea but don't want to influence your opinions.
>      Thanks,
>      Jeff

Jeff, If you resell the car for what he was going to pay you, deduct what 
expenses you incur on the after sale and refund the difference, you don't 
need to take his deposit which is not a good idea to begin with, sell the 
car don't take a deposit on a car just for this very reason, plus it 
helps give the buyer a little extra incenitive to buy now. my .02

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