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Re: TR3 Annual Check-up

To: KMNTR6 <>
Subject: Re: TR3 Annual Check-up
From: George Richardson <>
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 13:15:47 -0500
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Merlin Group Inc.
References: <>
You can get carb needles from any of the big vendors and probably any of
the small ones as well.

New distributors are not availiable, and as far as getting a used one,
why bother? Get one of the electronic ignition kits that you've seen
discussed here. They don't use the lobes of the distributor, and are
very tolerant of worn bushings as well. It'll probably be cheaper than
getting a used distributor or the parts to fix your current one.

KMNTR6 wrote:
> I just got my 1957 TR3 back from its annual check up by a local mechanic. He
> told me that I need the following:
> 1) carb jet needles. I have original SU carbs. What kind of needles should I
> buy? What do I need to do to install needles? Are they available at TRF, Moss,
> etc?
> 2) distributor. he says that the one ont he car has rounded  off and is
> difficult if not impossible to set the timing. It seems to run OK, but is a
> little inconsistent. Are new distributors still available for a '57 TR3 or
> should I look for a used one? Would a used one have the same problem as the
> one I have now? The mechanic said that at the very least I will need vac
> advance and centrifical advance springs.
> Later
> Ken Nachman
> 1974 TR6 CF16990U MALLARD

George Richardson
'57 TR3, TS15559L
(getting ready to paint - and now on the web!)

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