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Re: the new list, TRs, my new GT6+ project

To: "McGaheyRx" <>
Subject: Re: the new list, TRs, my new GT6+ project
From: "Jane Burdekin" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 17:17:50 -0700
Cc: "triumph list" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Congrats on the GT6.  I sure enjoy mine.  There is a GT6 data base that
Scott is keeping track of, I think.  I haven't seen anything about it
lately, but can we add your car to the list?  I started the list and he was
going to keep it up, my list just had the comm #, color, location, and what
ever else you wanted to put on the list.  I like your story it's nice you
found the car again.  I have had mine for 26 years, yes people think I'm
crazy.  Have fun with the car.  

As far as dealing with 2 lists, I just joined both and what ever subject
comes up on which ever list I just respond.  I would ask questions on both
lists with the phrase at the top that I am doing so.  Good luck.  

'67 GT6

> Well I've got a TR6 - I've had more than one and I've had at least 1
> 1977.
> For 6 days now, I've had a GT6+ as well. So obviously I'll want to be on
> lists.
> There's a great story about this GT6+ that I thought I would post one day
> soon - it has to do with the fact that although I don't know the guy I
> it from, 
> I actually knew the original owner, I actually drove the car and tried to
> it 
> about 12 years ago, how I found the car again and wound up finally
dragging it
> home.Some people on both lists might enjoy reading this, so what do I do
> Post it
> to both lists ? Then people like me who want to be on both lists will
> get MORE mail when this happens.
> And what about all the GT6 questions I was just about ready to start
> bombarding
> the list with ? Can I assume that everyone with GT6 interest and
> will move to the new list ? or should I post GT6 comments and questions
> both
> lists once again increasing mail volume for people like me who will want
to be
> on both lists ?
> I mean they're all Triumphs after all, and I've always been interested in
> spits
> for that reason - even though I've never intended to own one and never
> anything on that frame till this week.
> It just seems like an idea intended to lower mail volume is going to
> raise 
> it for some of us, and some people who don't get on both lists are going
> miss
> some things they'd really rather not miss.
> Having said all that, I must add that having this list or lists in
> form it
> takes is certainly better than not having it and God bless Mark B. for
> all he does to keep it going in whatever form he decides to put it in -
> just doesn't strike me as a good move.
> Okay, I'll stop now.
> Jack Mc
> 73 TR6
> 69 GT6+   

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