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Re: the new list, TRs, my new GT6+ project

To: McGaheyRx <>
Subject: Re: the new list, TRs, my new GT6+ project
From: "Peter J. Thomas" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 00:25:41 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>

McGaheyRx wrote:

> I actually knew the original owner, I actually drove the car and tried to buy
> it
> about 12 years ago, how I found the car again and wound up finally dragging it
> home.Some people on both lists might enjoy reading this, so what do I do ?
> Post it
> to both lists ? Then people like me who want to be on both lists will actually
> get MORE mail when this happens.

Should be a list for each model and one general list.  Model specific questions 
model list.  Great stories go to general list.  Every body subscribes to their
favorite models and the general list.  Simpler than Lucas.

Peter Thomas

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