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Re: boot lock barrel removal

Subject: Re: boot lock barrel removal
From: ArthurK101 <>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 16:10:05 EST
In a message dated 98-03-26 15:00:03 EST, ArthurK101 writes:

> Jeff,  - keep it simple - keys are available.  Take a look at the lock and
> if there is a number stamped on it. 

Jeff, what I said and what Andy Mace said are the same AND you won't need a
locksmith to do it.  The keys are available from several guys whom we know
from the list.  

Again - which kind of car?  [I ask this because, for example, the TR4 came
with a set of two keys.  One key for the ignition/doors and the other key for
the glove box/trunk.  This configuration is very handy because you only need
to carry around two keys].  One of the TR6 folks should know what the set
configuration was.

Are your locks the original ones?  Is the trunk lock only "frozen" - rather
than you not having the correct key?  Don't go rushing off here. :-).  Cheers.

Art Kelly

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