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Re: TR7 reputation?

To: Starr61871 <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: TR7 reputation?
From: (Tom O'Malley)
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 23:28:17 GMT
References: <>
Starr writes...

>Ok, only a few people know the story behind me acquiring my lil' '80 TR7, but
>in short it was unexpectedly "given" to me.  So, i thought since i had it I
>would restore it b/c all that have looked at it for me say that it is in good
>shape.  NOW I am being told by a former Triumph nut (meant in the most
>affectionate of ways) that TR7's are junk and I should get rid of it ASAP.

Nah!  An '80 TR7 is not "junk".  In fact the car was pretty well
sorted by 1980.

>That they tend to have a lot of engine problems, esp. here in FL , that the

*All* Triumphs have engine problems...why pick on the TR7?  :-)

>gasket heads tend to blow, and other more serious and expensive problems.  i

Some truth about the headgaskets, but so what?  I know a few modern
cars that like to go through headgaskets.  You could replace the
headgasket from time to time without breaking the bank.

At almost 20 years old, the TR7 can't be expected to match new cars in
terms of reliability and refinement, but if you accept this fact you
could have some fun! <Geesh!  Didn't Shane just say this?> :-)

>am a newbie at this and am looking for info from the people who know----ALL OF
>YOU EXPERIENCED TRIUMPH NUTS!!!!  (meant int eh most affectionate of ways!)  I
>want the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I am a big girl, be brutally honest.  I
>can take it!

He's an excerpt from Tom & Ray's radio could take
it *either* way! :-)

>Starr--wondering if anything good does come free
>Stella--the '80 TR7 convertible wondering about her future
   Dear Tom and Ray:

   I'm getting ready to purchase my first automobile this summer, and
I have my heart set on an old  British  sports car.  I'd like either
an MG or a Triumph Spitfire.  However, my parents aren't exactly
thrilled because they feel old sports cars need too many repairs and
are unsafe.  I just want to drive to and from work, but I do want to
know if cars like MGs and Spitfires are just a hassle. -- Kellie

  RAY: A car like that is not just a hassle, Kellie.  It's a complete
and utter hassle, as well as a money pit, a death trap and source of
continual and painful frustration.

   TOM: But you should definitely get one, Kellie.  They're wonderful

   RAY: In their favor, they are among the safest cars you can buy.
They're always sitting in the driveway with the hood up, and you can't
get much safer than that.  And the buses you'll be taking instead do
very well in the crash tests.

   TOM: Don't listen to him, Kellie.  He has no sense of the romantic.
He doesn't remember what it's like to cruise down the road, the roar
of the engine in your ears, the sun on your face, and the wind
tangling knots in your hair.

   RAY: Very funny.  I do remember what it's like to have hair for the
wind to tangle.  But when you painted this scene, you neglected to
mention the smell of burning oil wafting up your nostrils, and your
AAA card clutched fearfully in your sweaty palm.

   TOM: Oh, picky, picky. I've owned both of these cars, and
everything my brother says is true.  But despite that, I have nothing
but wonderful memories of them.  Go for it, Kellie.  Do it while
you're young. You may never have another chance to do anything this
stupid again!


Tom O'Malley
'74, '77 Spits

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