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Re: 75th Anniversary Triumph magazine issue

Subject: Re: 75th Anniversary Triumph magazine issue
From: ArthurK101 <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 23:14:03 EST
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 98-03-13 15:41:15 EST, you write:

>  I was the original poster. The magazine you want is "Thoroughbred &
>  Classic Cars" due Mar 5 in the UK. It is not on the shelves here
>  (Calgary, Canada) last time I checked (last weekend). I think by this
>  weekend it should be here. I don't recall where you are Art, but
>  assuming somewhere in the US, any major city should have them by now I
>  would guess. Since it is a British mag, you may have to go to a
>  newsstand which handles the "esoteric" magazines. (I'm sure you already
>  had that part covered).
>  Good luck,

Peter, first, thanks for your reply.  You wouldn't believe the amount of time
I have spent on this "simple" problem. ( Sometimes I get like a dog with a
bone, although my wife says that is one of my better qualities).

I finally contacted the distributer for the NE U.S.  It appears that the
magazine is only carried by three or four dealers (read stores) in the NYC, NJ
area.  I finally found a National chain store, Borders, in Newark, Delaware
which has the mag.  It appears that Borders has no stores in my area. That
store in Delaware is 3 hours away from me.  Anyway, someone else on the list
has given me a web site for the publisher.  I'll give that a try and see what
happens.  I will get this issue!

Thanks again.  Cheers.

Art Kelly

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