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Re: fuel leaks from stromberg carb (Spitfire)

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: fuel leaks from stromberg carb (Spitfire)
From: Atwell Haines <>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 19:34:41 -0500
At 05:29 PM 3/12/98, wrote:
>Regarding fuel leakage after shutdown from the Spitfire's
>ZS carb:
>I have EXACTLY the same problem, and it is at yet uncured.  In
>fact, the other day enough fuel siphoned out on the floor, thru
>the carb, to make a puddle nearly as large as the car, plus at least
>a cup in the air cleaner.  The tank was full, and a significant fraction
>of a full tank was gone.
>I have repaced the float valve (tried two different new ones, and two
>used ones that seemed to be ok), set the float (more than a dozen times)
>checked the float for bouyancy (twice).  I can't figure it out, but it
>must be a problem with the float valve.  The only way I could make it stop
>is keep the float set very low (0.975 instead of 0.675 inch!).  Then it ran
>too lean, though.
>Still, I would like to know why I couldn't fix a simple float valve, or
was the
>problem something else.  My fuel was coming out of the small port in the
>of the carb, not from a leaking carb body.
Hi Ray, 

Boy you ARE persistant. [Set the floats more than 12 times?]
Anyone want to hazard a guess?

When mine was leaking, it stopped after a while.  The biggest puddle was
about 12" wide under the car.   I thought that it might have something to
do with fuel pressure, but yours just ssems to be FLOWING out.

Could the fuel be getting past the threads of the float valve?   The
rebuild kit I installed used a metal washer; the grose-jet used a fiber
one.  Maybe some teflon tape on the teflon gasoline-resistant?

The gas just doesn't flow out of the tank, I don't think.   I had the carb
off for six weeks, with the tail in the air while I rebushed and u-jointed
my car, and nothing came out of the gas line (and the tank was full).

Has the potmetal on a carb ever become porous?

When you had the bowl off, was there dirt in the bottom? (Mine did for the
first and second times, but that subsided.)

Atwell Haines
'79 Spitfire  FM96062 UO (On the road again!)

"47.5% of all statistics are made up on the spot."

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