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Re: Another BATCH of some GREAT workbooks!

Subject: Re: Another BATCH of some GREAT workbooks!
From: Justin Wagner <>
Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 19:14:33 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: J.M.Wagner Sales, Ltd.
References: <> <>

Think this one out... we're not talking about ONE book that I found
while on vacation... I am scouting dozens of used bookstores... driving
across the tangled web that is LOS ANGELES and southern
a quest for HAYNES and other manuals.

After finding the right section in each store... I don't let a shelf or
a stack go unchecked.  I pick out the books of interest... pull out my
checkbook... and shell out most of what is left in my checking
account... to bring home a dozen books.

I sit down... and write up full descriptions of the books... honest, and
very descriptive...   How long does this take?

I then sort through dozens and dozens of responses and requests...  I
hold this book, I hold that book... I e-mail this person, I apologize to
that person... I put this person on a hopeful waiting list... I request
an address from this other person for the third time... I explain to
another how to send the funds... I give another person further
descriptions...  I end up sitting in front of the computer for hours...

Then I get the orders... and I weigh out the books that are requested..
two to PA, one to Florida, 3 to ... . and go to the post office
website... and, one by one, input the information and determine the
costs of the various shipping methods... which I generally
cut-and-paste... and inform the buyer of the varying costs of
shipping... all EXACT...

Then, when the buyers get back to me... and tell me how they want it
sent... I pack up the books... two here... one there...  I carefully
pack them so they won't get damaged... Sometimes I have to wait a few
days to get a response about their shipping address... or to get
approval to send it a certain way... etc...  I print up mailing
labels... etc...

Since I can not leave packages (in this area of L.A.) out to be picked
up... and since I can not drop packages into mail drops (new postal
regulations)... I generally have to go to the post office to ship these

At the post office... when I find a parking space... I generally wait in
a long line...

Meanwhile... I have always sent the books before receiving payment...
extending credit and trust to everyone on the newsgroup.... including
people in South Africa and Ireland...

Add to all this... some of these books do not come cheap... maybe at one
bookstore the same book is $5.00 more... but I buy it anyways...  

YES, I mark the books up.  And I've never failed to mention this fact. 
But I know what I think would be fair,  what I would be willing to spend
if I needed such a book, and what I think would leave me feeling GOOD
about the seller, should I be in his/her shoes. And, of course, anyone
that is unsatisfied could return the book for a refund.... though this
has not happened yet.  

The most recent VERY RARE FACTORY manuals seem high... but I paid a lot
for them... and I've heard of people auctioning such books... I've heard
of the binder-type factory manuals going for $100.00...  

YES, I'm turning this into a hobby-business...  Just like my gasket,
another hobby-business.  The gasket business does NOT make much
money...  If we were looking at how much I made per hour, it would be
pathetic... and, in fact, it is still in the red. (but I push forward...
and would LIKE to provide gaskets for other TR's...)...
I enjoy used bookstores... and I enjoy Triumphs... and being involved
with the group.  If selling the books, at reasonable prices, makes me a
few bucks for my efforts... I will not feel guilty about it.  If the
newsgroup looks upon my efforts as a purely commercial effort... and not
as a service...  I will stop immediately with any future scoutings... 

I have given away, traded, sold cheap a good number of Triumph parts. 
And I was glad to do it.  But I did not have to do much "legwork" to
make that happen... i had the parts in the garage...  But If someone
started to collect used parts... and sold them here... I'd be all for
it... as long as they kept their prices fair... and had a fair return
policy, etc...  This is no different. 

I must admit, I do feel a bit offended by your post... but you have not
been in my shoes... nor, apparently, the shoes of someone else making
similar efforts.... I can see that you might be skeptical.  I think it
would have been better to have made your post to me directly, before
laying me out before the group, but, perhaps this is something that
needed to be addressed and is an issue on other's minds... I would like
to hear from others in the group if you feel I am being unethical or
that I am commercializing the group, etc.  


P.S. Thank you to those that have already commented in my defense.

  scott suhring wrote:
> Is this turning into a business that is being advertised over the list?
> Note the cc:s this is going to. It's one thing to help each other out
> with manual finds or searches, but it's another to start adding
> "justifiable" mark-ups in costs. I picked up a book and offered to the
> list
> at cost plus SH. I live in PA and got it in Seattle. Should have added
> the
> overhead on that one!  :-)
> Justin, please don't take this personally. I just tend to be cynical on
> occassions (today being one).
> Scott Suhring
> Elizabethtown, PA
> '70 TR6
> Justin Wagner wrote:
> >
> > Okay everybody... I had the day off... so I did some more searching for
> > manuals... and found some new and, actually pretty EXCITING finds.

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