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Re: 79 spit and dpo hacks

To: "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, "Larry Hooven" <>
Subject: Re: 79 spit and dpo hacks
From: "Ross Vincenti" <>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 11:52 -0800
Larry Hooven wrote:
     [snip]...... i walked in with my newly repainted valve cover (yes 
     paint not powder coat) which had, from sitting in the garage for a few 
     days, picked up some greasy finger prints, not wanting to put up with 
     the fumes of gunk or other engine cleaner i asked if they had anything 
     in thier entorage of cleaning stuff that would remove the greasy 
     finger prints, to which my wifes partner said, yea go get the bottle 
     of COMET Bathroom cleaner and it should take the grease right off.  
     well it does, infact i tested it on the baked on oil inside the cover, 
     the stuff that wouldn't come off using an entire can of gunk engine 
     cleaner, or foamy brite engine cleaner.  spray some on, let it set for 
     10 minutes scrub with an old tooth brush and squeaky clean, this 
     weekend i plan on testing on the engine block itself.
     Larry and Scions,
     Think about the deeper inplications of this discovery.  A product 
     designed for cleaning TOILETS works well on TRIUMPHS!
     I find this very depressing..........
     Ross D. Vincenti
     64 Spitfire 4
     64 Porsche 356C Coupe

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