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Re: 79 spit and dpo hacks

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: 79 spit and dpo hacks
From: "Larry Hooven" <>
Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 19:53:03 PST

i had an opportunity this weekend to trace the wires, the stupid 
()*&&%)$^$&(&(%(  DPO was using them for an IGNITION switch, last time i 
saw this trick i was driving a m3 bradley.. thanks for all who 
responded, and i might take up VB on their dash sale to correct the 

----Original Message Follows----
Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 21:38:23 -0500
From: Edward Hamilton <>
To: Larry Hooven <>
Subject: Re: 79 spit and dpo hacks

I have an '80 Spitfire -- with no toggle switch.

Ed Hamilton

Larry Hooven wrote:

> I have run into yet another dilemma, due to my child being injured at
> school and no way to get a hold of mother as she is a housecleaning 
> person (more on this later) i found myself at home very early in the
> day, well since i cant go back to work at my job, i decided to tackle 
> few things on the spit (namely putting parts back on that i removed 
> redo and such).  when detaching the steering wheel to get the ignition
> barrel bracket out so i could put the new one on, i noticed a toggle
> switch on the left hand side of the steering column in the dash,
> further investigation showed 2 12 ga red wires (the kind you buy at
> radioshack) jumbled up and going somewhere (at this point i know not
> where)  question is is this a dpo hack of some sort used for what ever
> they thought was right, or is there supposed to be a toggle switch 
> and if so what is it used for.
> on to the house cleaning mentioned earlier, my wife and her partner 
> engaged in a game of canasta after getting back to the house, i walked
> in with my newly repainted valve cover (yes paint not powder coat) 
> had, from sitting in the garage for a few days, picked up some greasy
> finger prints, not wanting to put up with the fumes of gunk or other
> engine cleaner i asked if they had anything in thier entorage of
> cleaning stuff that would remove the greasy finger prints, to which my
> wifes partner said, yea go get the bottle of COMET Bathroom cleaner
> (that's what it say on da bottle) and it should take the grease right
> off.  well it does, infact i tested it on the baked on oil inside the
> cover, the stuff that wouldn't come off using an entire can of gunk
> engine cleaner, or foamy brite engine cleaner.  spray some on, let it
> set for 10 minutes scrub with an old tooth brush and squeaky clean,
> this weekend i plan on testing on the engine block itself.  i used a
> wire brush and some gunk to get off the 10 years of caked on dirt to
> read the engine number and in retrospect, i probably didn't need the
> gunk.  i'll try to run as unbiased test as possible between foamy 
> brite gunk and the bathroom cleaner and let you all know.
> larry,
> 1979 spitfire  #FM99248U currently several shades of overspray
> 50 thousand driveway miles, at least it seems that way from pushing it
> around.
> a line and sign the guest book.
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