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Re: Modern radio for TR4

Subject: Re: Modern radio for TR4
From: James <>
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 16:02:44 +0000
Cc: "'don sforza'" <>, triumph list <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, james <>
Organization: UKAEA
References: <>
I think you've been thinking at a tangent to reality again:-)

I don't even own a radio.  I decided that when my last one
went to silicone heaven not to replace it.  It's a crap sound, 
and they never play what you want.  My amp is all that it is, 
it has got Phono, Radio, and Line in.

It is made by Rogers Electronics UK, there still around, being
made in the UK, it uses valves.  In particular valves made by
the Chumna Valve Company (Think that's how you spell it).  Anyway
a valve is much more descriptive of the way they work, a valve
is something you turn on and off.  A tube is a long thin thing. 

Incidentally my Amp is older than my car, yet it still works.  
It was made in 1965, I still have the original manual, and
photo copies of the reviews (thanks to an engineer at Rogers
who sent them to me).  Except for a temporary patch until I can
afford the original capacitors it is in concourse condition. 
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot

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