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Re: Modern radio for TR4

Subject: Re: Modern radio for TR4
From: James <>
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 09:08:30 +0000
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: UKAEA
References: <>
I have a very vintage valve amp at home, a Rogers Cadet Mk III, it
uses seven valves.  A couple of years ago I had two go into melt down
and so I was stuck, but when my parents went to get there CD player 
fixed, I asked if they had valves.  The chap said no, but I can order
them for you.  He produced a telephone directory size catalogue, and
up the valves I needed.  Twelve pound each if memory serves.  To cut a 
medium sizes story short, valves are not that hard to get.  Especially
with the valves from Russia still be manufactured.  The most expensive
thing to go wrong except for the transformers is the capacitors.  I 
believe the ones I need to replace in my amp are 30 pounds each.  So 
at the moment I have got part of a camera flash wired in.  

James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot

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