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Re: AC/DC (was Pertronix perplexia)

To: Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV
Subject: Re: AC/DC (was Pertronix perplexia)
From: George Richardson <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 16:11:24 -0500
Organization: Merlin Group Inc.
References: <199710302059.PAA14395@voa2.VOA.GOV>
Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV wrote:

> Actually, I just printed out Dan*s ballast/non-ballast coil article, and
> about five other things, to help discover why the Accel
> Super Coil the PO put in my GT6 is wired to run at 12v. during *run,* and
> 10v during  *start.*  Before I investigate this further, anyone want to
> hazard a guess on this one?
> --
> Martin Secrest
> 73 GT6
> 74 Spitfire

I'd say he got the wiring wrong. I believe that the Accel coil I had
always used a resistor. Even if some versions don't require a resistor,
then they certainly wouldn't use one on startup, since this is when you
need the most current you can get throught the coil. This is because the
battery voltage is lower than it is with the car running (usually).
George Richardson
'57 TR3, TS15559L
(getting ready to paint - and now on the web!)

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