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Re: VTR & VINs, Hoover, and the Registry

To: Andrew Mace <>
Subject: Re: VTR & VINs, Hoover, and the Registry
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 15:43:14 -0800
Cc: Scions of Stanpart <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, Vintage Triumph Register Board <vtr-admin@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <Pine.PCW.3.94.971029124620.8967K-100000@Andrew-Mace>
Andrew Mace wrote:

> Again, I applaud your efforts to track as many as possible of the over
> 300,000 Spitfires produced, and I realize and appreciate that any unified
> list you can create will be better than what has existed previously. And
> yes, VTR will be more than happy to provide a host (via the Web site) for
> your database, with full credit to you and those who assist you. Please
> let me know if there is any other way in which we might assist.
> --Andy

Your reply is well put.  And my intent was not to in any way demean VTR
or the way it is being operated, or even the cooperation with my
effort.  It was simply to clarify the mistaken assumption that some
others obviously have about the "registry" function of VTR.  I initially
had the same mistaken assumption when I first got my Triumph.  I wrote
asking for information from VTR and still have the membership
application that I received as the only response.

With regards to your personal contribution to my efforts, I give a
hearty thanks.  Like you, most have been very willing to add their
vehicles to my list.  Very few, in fact, have been in any way negative
on the project.  And yes, I have contacted the European clubs and have
received responses to most of my EMAILS. However, in most cases, the
issue is going to be taken up with their respective members at upcoming
meetings.  But the majority were positive in their response.

I think the biggest obstacle on the project is the "Name Thing"  and it
can be overcome by including one more item in the request.  That being
the question of whether the owner wishes his name to be included or
marked "withheld at owner's request".  I have all the information here
at this time and until this and other concerns are addressed, I have no
intention of releasing it to the general public.  I too share the
concern over the privacy issue.

In fact, If it is deemed necessary or even desirable, I will sign a
non-disclosure agreement with any person who wants certain information

I think that after the smoke clears and we all see the real concerns,
there is ample room to answer everyone's fears and still come up with
useable information.  And you are right, there is little hope of
reaching all Spitfire owners.  Even I realize that, however, I don't
want to eliminate the obvious sources of the data that is at hand.


Joe Curry

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