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Re: VTR & VINs, Hoover, and the Registry

To: Joe Curry <>
Subject: Re: VTR & VINs, Hoover, and the Registry
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 11:57:26 +0500 (EST)
Cc: Scions of Stanpart <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, Vintage Triumph Register Board <vtr-admin@Autox.Team.Net>
On Wed, 29 Oct 1997, Joe Curry wrote:

> Andy, 
> Your reply is well put.  And my intent was not to in any way demean VTR
> or the way it is being operated, or even the cooperation with my
> effort.  It was simply to clarify the mistaken assumption that some
> others obviously have about the "registry" function of VTR.  I initially
> had the same mistaken assumption when I first got my Triumph.  I wrote
> asking for information from VTR and still have the membership
> application that I received as the only response.

I guess one problem I'm having with all of this (not you directly, nor
your project) is the perception some seem to have of the Vintage Triumph
Register and other Triumph clubs. I do feel rather strongly that all of
the Triumph clubs have an important role in preserving the marque. I feel
just as strongly, however, that our first obligation is to our members.

I readily concede that the following is not a perfect comparison,
nonetheless I will ask: how often nonmembers of AAA get free tows or maps
or travel information? Although VTR and other clubs try to be as
accommodating as possible to all, we feel a responsibility to serve first
and foremost those who support us with dues. It is their (dues) money that
is spent in postage and printing for every membership application that is
mailed (a necessary cost of "doing business" to be sure). It is also their
money that pays for domain name registration for the Web site. That has
brought us many new members, but everything currently at the VTR Web site
is available to anyone with Internet/WWW access. Any number of our vehicle
consultants field letters and phone calls from nonmembers as well as
members, as a courtesy. Associated costs are paid for, upon request by VTR
out of -- you guessed it -- dues money.

Your request for information about Spitfires in the VTR database is no
different. There will be some costs involved in computer time, etc., some
of which might be covered by VTR if necessary, out of dues money. Again, I
have no problem with this, as the end result shows a great potential
benefit to all clubs and perhaps to all Spitfire owners.

I hope this does not sound like whining. It is not intended to. I'm just
trying to emphasize that VTR is not primarily a public service for anyone
who owns or wishes someday to own a Triumph. It is primarily a club, made
up of members who support the club with dues and, in a number of cases,
hours and hours of unpaid time and effort. Were we to somehow become
eligible for grant money (public or private), our focus could change.

PLEASE -- anyone -- feel free to continue discussion or debate of this or
related topics with me PRIVATELY.

Thanks for listening.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register                  *
*                     *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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