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Re: More carb fun....

To: bharris <>
Subject: Re: More carb fun....
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 21:10:35 -0700
Cc: Chris Lillja <Chris_Lillja@Pupress.Princeton.Edu>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <> <>
bharris wrote:
> Chris Lillja wrote:
> >
> > >>rebuilt HS6's. They're quite beautiful, clean, polished and they
> > adjust to a beautiful, steady 900 rpm idle....
> >
> > >>Once prodded, however, they don't seem to want to return to idle.
> > Well, they've been on and off the car three times now while I've tried
> > to center the throttle discs. Off the car they seem to work perfectly.
> > I've tried three different sets of discs...I tried a rather strong
> > spring.... I'm not OUT of ideas yet, tonight I'm going to pull 'em
> > again, triple check the carb body and hold 'em up to a light source to
> > check the alignment of the disc in the bore....
> >
> > >>>Thanks for some of the answers folks....
> >
> > And no, there's no leak around the shaft...
> >
> > More questions:
> >
> > 1. I can see a TINY bit of light around the throttle disc (new) when
> > closed....has anyone else seen this...once again, the action seems
> > perfect....
> >
> > 2. The dashpots seem to work perfectly and the jets are centered...
> >
> > 3. Could the timing be off sufficiently to INCREASE the idle speed?
> > Too advanced? The vac advance seems to work fine and hold a vac. (no
> > leaks there) It was fine before....
> >
> > The carb flanges seem nice and flat....the spacers are nice and
> > solid...the manifold face is clean and flat...the PCV pipe seems
> > solid....
> >
> > Any and all input welcomed.....
> >
> > "Still ride in triumph over all mischance..." - Shakespeare
> >
> > Chris Lillja
> > TR4A
> > Norton Commando
> > Spit MKIV
>  Chris,
>        I believe the throttle discs go in one way,The edges are not
> square they are slightly angled for a better seal (whn right side up)
> upside down would not seal so good. I forget where I read this but Found
> it to be true when I rebuilt my SU's.
>   I dont know if I would have noticed if I hadn't read about it.
>                 Hope this is your only problem,
>                           Bob Harris
>                           76 Spit 45276U
You would definitely notice if you have them in backward.  They 
don't fit.  Also some have a valve with spring built into the butterfly.
It's called the Throttle over run valve.  The spring part goes away 
from the head.

Joe Curry   '63 Spit

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