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Re: Fast TR-6

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Fast TR-6
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 14:56:17 -0400 (EDT)
Let's face it until the majority of the population in this country is riding
in mass transit there are going to be a lot of people running around in
pieces of irn much more lethal than a Colt 45. The driving education in this
country is a joke. The people teaching driver's ed are generally poor drivers
to start with. After a few weeks of driving around town in good (Summer and
Spring) weather the "graduates" are let loose on the public roads only to
encounter Winter's first snowfall and all hell breaks loose! I'll never
forget my daughter coming to me and asking for a drivers lesson. She spent
the first day in the driveway learning what all the controls were for and how
to safely change the tire, what fuids to inspect and how a car worked. She
was really ticked off at me but she now changes her own oil, knows how to
heel and toe, understands apexing and knows that the steering wheel is a
better way to avoid an accident than the brakes.

I don't think we'll ever see a lot of competent drivers on US roads and the
types of vehicles one drives is only part of the problem. 

Greg Wold
1970 GT6+ 

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