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Fast TR-6

To: "'triumphs'" <>
Subject: Fast TR-6
From: "Tom Gentry "<>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 16:35:00 -0500
Trevor Boicey wrote:
>>I am fairly indifferent to muscle cars and stoplight racing
>>in general, but I can only hear so many stories of LBCs "blowing
>>away car xxxx" before I have to ask how this feat was accomplished
>>when it should be no contest.

and Jon Paschke wrote:
>>wanna try taking on my 70 nova???

Yep, the Mustangs, Camaros, Pontiac, T-Bird all knew we were racing.  In
a couple of cases we raced more than once with the same results.  At a
"track tour" at Road America last spring, where passing was only allowed
on the main straight, I got by a 5.0 Mustang and he was DEFINITELY
racing.  Of course that was just before a brand new Porsche Turbo passed
me at speed differential of at least 30mph.  I've timed my TR-6 at 0-60
(corrected for speedo error) in the low 6 second range.  Whether the
opponents were getting the most from their cars I can't really say, but
it's my impression that most drivers of these cars think tire squeal and
speed are the same thing.  The most overused quote after such an
encounter is "What have you got in that thing?"  The answer usually
makes them hang their heads in shame :-)

I'd have to see (and hear) the Nova.  Part of the game is picking the
right fights, but I'll gladly take you on at an autocross course, sight
unseen ;-)

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