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To: "Triumph Guys" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Rain-ex
From: "Nick" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 14:25:02 -0700
Careful with that Rain-X...

A few years ago I lost a job because of Rain-x. Some cars can handle it,
some can't. Works good on all my cars, except the TR3. Don't do it !

I was on my way to a job interview on the other side of the "hill" from
where I live. "Hill", being the local term for about a 15 mile stretch of
switchbacks on which you can maybe average 20MPH on a good day. Of course
I'm tryin to average more than 20, and at 21 MPH, there isn't even time to
look at the gauges, talk about eyes on the road. So of course it starts
raining pretty hard on the way, but "no worries", I've coated the
windshield with that magical Rain-X. Onward thru the rain. As someone else
noted about Rain-X, the rain just slides right up the windshield. Now, I've
owned a TR3 or two, and should have known better (yeah you owners know
what's comin...), because that car, like almost all TR3's, would leak past
the little tenex fasteners at the windshield. Not one of those cars ever
leaked a drop on the passengers side, oh no, only on the driver's side.
Well, the wind just pushes the water up under the top, around the top of
the windshield, and it drops right onto the front edge of the seat. From
there, it slowly runs right down the seat, where it starts to "lubricate"
your private parts. So, I pull up to the job interview, run inside and then
realize that I look like I've been livin with an wino wolverine in a
doorway somewhere. No matter how tactful the guy was, he just couldn't stop
staring at the "evidence" there for all to see on my pants.

So I guess the morale here is that sometimes it may be better to be ALL
        Nick in Nor Cal

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