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To: Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV,
Subject: RE: [Fwd: INSURANCE]
From: Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 15:03:53 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
I did actually look at my policy the other day from Parish. It is really a 
Cigna policy. One thing I noticed in reading it was that if you exceed the 
2500 miles you are not covered during those additional miles. Hmmmmmm. Any 
legal opinions on that (besides keep a spare speedo)?
Otherwise it is use the car when and where you want but keep it in a garage 
when stored at home.
From: Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV@INTERNET on Wed, May 14, 1997 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: INSURANCE]

Martin Libhart wrote:

>>Sorry, but I've inadvertently deleted thread/addresses pertaining to
Haggerty Insurance, etc.  I'm currently considering Condon & Skelly,
have application form, etc., but I'm concerned about their strict usage
limitations. My car is NOT a daily driver, but on the other hand, we do
like to take it for frequent Sunday drives, other misc. trips that are
probably not what the insurer would define as a "maintenance check
drives" (especially when you've filed a claim).  

I would like more information on Haggerty.  Do they have similar usage

limitations?  Address/phone info??<<

I just talked with Haggerty (800-922-4050).  They nixed the idea for a 
policy for my Spitfire because of the way I use it -- as my primary 
transportation on weekends.  They do have a 2500/mi/year
limitation (which I would probably exceed anyway).  They will allow you to 
take your car on drives and to shows, but they will NOT let you use it to go 
to the auto parts store, even if it is only on weekends -- that is to say, 
you are not allowed to use it like a REAL car at any time.

As per Rich Ceraldis suggestion, I have been talking with Parish Motorsports,
 which also likes to enforce the 2500/mi/year limit, but without 
qualification as to how you rack up those miles.  (In my case, they can only 
provide damage and theft insurance, because of
the peculiarities of Virginia law  -- something about how vehicles must be 
25 years old to qualify as antiques insurance.)

The number for Parish is 800-274-1804.  Good luck...

Martin Secrest
74 Spitfire 1500 

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