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RE: Problems with Rimmer Bros, or a Missing Order

To: Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 <>
Subject: RE: Problems with Rimmer Bros, or a Missing Order
From: Nolan Penney <>
Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 09:34:16 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
>So did the Roadster Factory give you a free membership in their little club
>for reaming Rimmers? Perhaps one of those bears to make you feel all warm
>and fuzzy at night waiting for your backordered part from them?

What's your beef here?  When a company rips me off, I tend not to appreciate 
Perhaps you think it fair, proper and reasonable, I do not.  I don't care if 
Rimmers, TRF, the electric company or my bank.  

I have done the proper things, ask the company what the problem is.  Finally, 
gotten forced by the company, to go further and complain.

As a Triumph owner, I do consider it rather relavent to let other Triumph 
owners know 
what is going on.  Maybe it's not just me, maybe Rimmers is doing the same to 
others.  I 
know when I saw the messages flying around about TRF I damn well appreciated 
it, and 
made sure not to back order any parts from them when I have placed orders.

Maybe youd rather stay in the dark about it and place orders ignorantly.  
That's fine.  
Do so and enjoy.  JC Whitney needs customers like that.  But I'm really not 
in your flames over it.

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