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RE: TR6 Differential Drain Plugs

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,
Subject: RE: TR6 Differential Drain Plugs
From: "Richard Ceraldi-ERC004" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 14:38:30 -0600
X400-mts-identifier: [ /P=MOT/A=MOT/C=US/ ; m\il02n\970225143830f ]
From: on Tue, Feb 25, 1997 2:06 PM
Subject: RE: TR6 Differential Drain Plugs

TWALLI@ writes:
>"Don't you think there are enough places for the oil to leak already? "  He 

>also doubts that there is much need to replace the oil, only to keep it 
>topped up. 

     Your mechanic is off base. With the proper machining the differential 
won't leak any more than the drain plug for your oil pan. I think your 
mechanic is really saying bring your car and your check book to me and I'll 
take care of both of them. With the correct maintenance your fluids should 
not be leaking.   

> Although it goes against instinct (and C.A.R.'s practises). I think 
you'r3e >better off leaving the diff case as Coventry created it.  

    If you look at the casting you might think Coventry at one time had 
another idea. There is a boss made into the casting for the purpose of 
drilling and tapping. You would not add a feature like this in the casting 
unless you planned on using it for something. But as anyubody in a 
manufacturing environment will tell you they are always looking for a way to 
reduce costs. I believe the drain plug was cost reduced out. Why not use it 
as Convetry intended for it to be used.

Richard Ceraldi
Austin, TX

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