Here's a doomsday scenario I've been contemplating. There are two sources
creating demand for LBC parts, restoration of a car and maintenance after
restoration. As more and more LBCs are restored and brought to excellet
condition,the restoration demand will diminish to a very low level. The
remaining source of demand is maintenance and damage repair, which level
depends on how much the vehicles are actually used. I believe because of
these two factors we will go into a parts drought in the next few years. It
was economical to reproduce parts when there were lots of cars needing them
for restoration, but is it economical in terms of number of units produced
and time on the shelf to reproduce parts into a diminishing demand? How
badly the demand drops obviously depends in part on how much we drive these
cars and use up those parts we already have.
If you were the owner of TRF or Moss would you invest thousands, or tens of
thousands of dollars to reproduce a NLS part of which you only expect to sell
a few a year at present demand levels?
Any other thoughts on this? Personally Ive reverted to the 70's and I'm
hoarding parts. Just wish I knew which will run out first.
Bob Paul
Corrales NM