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Re: TRF Winter Parts Sale

Subject: Re: TRF Winter Parts Sale
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 1997 23:03:09 -0500 (EST)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net

   I too placed a VERY large order with TRF during the winter sale.  The
shipment arrived in a week - about 1/2 of it, with the remainder on

   HOWEVER, I am not sure that I agree with your assesment.  Friday I
received an additional part - which was on the backorder sheet.  On THAT
invoice it shows all outstanding backorders, with the note that it doesn't
include those items being prepared for shipment.  That Backorder list was
small compared to that received with my initial order, leading me to believe
that a good bit of the original stuff is being packaged for shipment.

   Before you totally give up, perhaps TRF sends out partial orders to
expedite matters, and follows up with the remainder within a few days.  I
KNOW some stuff will be continued as a backorder (I have some items on B/O
from 4 months ago)   However I continue to use TRF as my first choice vender.
 If I really need something immediately that TRF has backordered, I start
going through the other vendors = but always take a chance on inferior

   Just my  2c


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