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Re: Production/shipping certificate - how do I get one....

Subject: Re: Production/shipping certificate - how do I get one....
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 12:07:29 -0400
In a message dated 96-09-10 01:05:50 EDT,
(Michael Noerregaard) writes:

<< I read a while ago that it was possible for a (modest?) fee to obtain a
 of the original specs for a Triumph by comm. number, what dealer it was
 shipped to, the first owner, etc. - but can't quite remember how to go about
 it. Was it through the Vintage Triumph Register? Or am I on the wrong track
 here? And was there a concensus on the list as to if one could pay by credit
 card, check, or...?
 Any help will be greatly appreciated, >>

I think you are referring to the Production Record Certificate available from
the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust (BMIHT)
They have a home page at
Contrary to what their home page says, they WILL take a Visa card.
The cost is 20 english pounds ($31.21 when I did it in May) You can phone,
fax, or snail mail your request to them with your name, address, car comm.#
and credtit card # and the certificate will be in your hands in less than a 
week. It's a nice looking certificate and will show complete information
about your car as it left the factory (right down to brand of tyre) as well
as the date built, date dispatched, and distributor it was shipped too.
Their address:  BMIHT, Academic Services
                      Heritage Motor Center
                      Banbury Rd, Gaydon
                      Warwickshire, CV35 OBJ
                      United Kingdom
phone: (01926)641188     fax:  (01926)641555

Cheers !
Jack Mc

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