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RE: Hail Lucas!!

Subject: RE: Hail Lucas!!
From: "Richard Ceraldi-ERC004" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 8:33:48 -0500
X400-mts-identifier: [ /P=MOT/A=MOT/C=US/ ; m\il02n\960906083348h ]
>Ahhh. . . what a treat.  Driving to work at 5am the last 15 miles with no
>head-lights!  Not all that comforting to know that some of you have trodden
>here before - OH THANK YOU PRINCE OF DARKNESS, You have lived up to your
>reputation!  Damn that light switch, already 5 miles on the freeway, OK. . .

>all right. . . pull over to see if its just a loose wire.  Jiggle 
everything -
>nope, it's dead!  What to do,  what to do.  Aw heck, driven this route for
<stuff deleted>

>>Barry, You didn't say which car you were driving, but if it was the '72
>>Spit, the switch is likely to be Clear Hooters, not Lucas. CH is even
>>worse for quality than the Lucas reputation. We've learned. We always 
>>a spare CH switch in the tool kit. Something to think about.

One more trick for you. After my Clear Hooter light switch fell apart after 
a Club Pub night on my GT6 I used the Demist Switch as an emergency 
replacement to get home.  
Richard Ceraldi

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