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Re: GT6 Insanity (a little long)

To: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <>,
Subject: Re: GT6 Insanity (a little long)
From: "Peter Mchugh" <>
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 96 08:35:22 EST
     The plague spreads...(I have three GT-6s and submit that your 
     descriptions of these LBC is accurate)...but to make it more difficult 
     for you, John Lye advised me that there is not one GT-4 in the yard 
     mentioned, not two, not even three GT-6 like machines, but more...lie 
     in wait for those of us smitten by the dread hunger for:
        More body work than any one person should consider commitment (long 
     hospital stay) to...
        More expense than a government worker should try to underwrite....
        Skinned knuckles, weary knees, greasy fingers and broken 
        Huge frustrations with neighbors who fail to understand the obvious 
     rationales for the line of GT-6 (and other Triumph) cars in the 
     driveway in front of house....
        Minor (relatively) disappointment when the first paint job isn't 
     perfect and must be stripped...
     And after all that, the day comes when sun rises early on a Fall 
     morning, mist in the trees and a crisp air, and the newly restored 
     machine, caressed by loving hands, streaks southward along the winding 
     back roads of the foothills of the east coast....making the right 
     sorts of noises...and sensual confirmations...
     that I'll be in Scottsville before you!!!!!!

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: GT6 Insanity (a little long)
Author:  "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <> at 
Date:    9/6/96 3:16 AM

John Lye (rjl6n@uva.pcmail.Virginia.EDU) wrote:  "There's also a GT-4 in a 
junkyard near Scottsville, VA that would be pretty easy to resurrect if 
anyone was so inclined."
I kept the above phrase on my machine for two days but was unable to bring 
myself to erase it.  Why would anybody in Minnesota even think about driving 
to Virginia, pulling a butchered GT6 out of a junkyard, and transporting it 
back to Minnesota (how?) to occupy a corner of his garage for the next 
The only possible answer is that I've gone nuts.  Listen, I thought I was 
sane when I bought my TR3.  I didn't think I was too far gone when I sold my 
1991 Saab and bought a 1964 Volvo for a daily driver.  (Call me a wimp, but 
the 3's side curtains just don't cut it when it's 30 below.)
But now I've got this insane idea that I need a GT6.  I'm afraid I'm over 
the edge.  What do I need a GT6 for?  I can't think of any good reason.  In 
the summer they're like a toaster oven.  Only Volkswagens and Corvairs have 
worse rear suspensions.  You spend your entire life trying to figure out how 
to get an oil pressure gauge and ammeter into the dash, and make it look 
Anybody with good advice?  Delusional maniac needs your help.  I can tell 
you already that buying all the books on Spits/GT6s only intensifies the 
symptoms, and even the best brew pub products only provide short-term 
 -- Andy Lindberg  (On my God!  Is this one of those things you inherit 
through your first name?  Will I be coveting Heralds next?)

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