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Re: TR6 Clutch/Gearbox <c=US%a=_%p=Merak%l=EXCHANGE-96081916

To: Peter Zaborski <>
Subject: Re: TR6 Clutch/Gearbox <>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 14:49:58 PDT
Cc: "'TR6 List'" <>,
>>>Peter Zaborski said:
 > I have posted recently questions attempting to get help with changing
 > the clutch on my 76 TR6. Previously I had trouble removing the gearbox.
 > Well thanks to some of the answers posted on this list, the gearbox is
 > out!

Been there, done that, finished Sunday!

 > My Haynes manual makes a reference to the
 > fact that the flywheel can be removed only with the engine out of the
 > car. Is this really true???

No way!  THey *LIE*!!!

 > My problem seems to be that I cannot undo
 > the four bolts holding the flywheel to the rear of the engine because
 > the crank shaft turns. What's the best way to undo the bolts?

get a 18 inch breaker bar and a 3/4 inch socket to fit the 4 bolts.  I put a 
large tapered punch through one of the holes in the back plate and levered a 
large Craftsman (so I could get a new oen if I broke it) screwdriver against 
it and the ring gear teeth.  Put the socket on the TOP bolt and push hard.  
Doing the top bolt means you are pushing across the center of the crank and 
reducing the leverage needed to hold the flywheel stationary.  
  If you can't get the bolts to budge, get out from under the car, drink a 
coke/beer/whatever, and try again.  I found my first two positions were such 
that I couldn't get enough leverage AND hold the screwdriver.  Squirming about 
to a new position helped.  Remember these puppies are torqued to 75-90 lb-ft.  
Yow!  Watch your knuckles.

 > Has anyone ever successfully removed the remains of a broken fork pin and
 > managed to salvage the fork and shaft?

Not me; mine was welded.  I exchanged the whole kit and caboodle for a new 
box, shaft and fork.  (and pin)

 > are there right-angle drills in machine shops
 > for example which might do the trick?).

Yes there are.  Check harbor freight, for instance.

 > 4. What size is the securing nut at the end of the J O/D (the one which
 > allows access to the rear gearbox seal)? I need to buy this part but
 > would like to know what size it is to avoid several trips to the tool
 > store.

Dunno about the OD nut but the one on my non-OD box was 1-1/4 inch.


Berry Kercheval :: :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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