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Re[2]: Body (Car silly !) work hints please

Subject: Re[2]: Body (Car silly !) work hints please
From: (David Williams)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 13:22:50 -0800

.however, those of us who love and drive GT-6s will
>     immediately recognize the error in the statement he makes...since the
>     factory actually "brazed" a number of parts on the GT-6.

Was the factory always right?

I was repeating the strong bias of a former Bodywork instructor....brazing,
indeed can be useful...however, where there is any need for flexibility (as
in most bodywork) brazing should be avoided....or you will run the risk of
becoming the "DPO who left cracks all over the fender, trunk
lid...etc....nevermind the difficulties of avoiding warpage due to the
torch etc.......even for filling pinholes etc.
>     For my money, brazing probably is an acceptable alternative to welding
>     where strength isn't the primary consideration, and where "filling" is
>     one of the important issues...sort of like using brass/bronze in lieu
>     of lead to finish welded joints and/or repairs.

Certainly is easier
>     to work....?????

I disagree....MIG, or similar welding outfits are relatively easy to use,
certainly comparable to a brazing torch etc....and give superior results
for most applications..

best way to find out is to practise on some scrap body parts...NOT YOUR LBC!

David J. R. Williams
TS 12287L
CF 18015
CF 20725

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